News from the ROI world

Dedem Mekatronik launches innovative Motion Up Lift

Renowned for their beautifully engineered solutions, Dedem Mechatronik partnered with Arvato to develop the cutting-edge Motion Up Lift to accommodate both wooden pallets and wheeled plastic containers.

Record sales at CKF kick off 35th Anniversary

Three and a half decades of hard work are paying off at CKF Systems, who are celebrating their anniversary while enjoying the best order intake in 35 years of thriving business.

Preventive maintenance by LCS Group keeps trouble at bay

Even at the most advanced industrial plant, top performance depends on regularly scheduled machinery maintenance.

approved accelerator

The second ROI partner category

The Approved Accelerator (AA) category is the second of the three ROI partnership categories.

All Approved Accelerators have reached this status after min. one year as Approved Partner (first category) and through fulfillment of all key requirements associated to this partnership category. The companies listed here have completed product training and successfully installed two (or more) of Interroll’s main product technologies.

Find out more about the ROI program categories.

  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik is a company that has combined tradition and innovation in the construction of special machines and plants for over 100 years. Its focus is on machines for processing natural and synthetic fibers such as straw, coconut, wood shavings, flax, hemp, mineral wool, xylite and polypropylene.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    L'azienda A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik, da oltre 100 anni, unisce tradizione e innovazione nella costruzione di impianti e macchine speciali. L'attenzione è rivolta in particolare alle macchine per la lavorazione di fibre naturali e sintetiche, quali paglia, cocco, lana di legno, lino, canapa, lana minerale, xilitolo o polipropilene.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    Das Unternehmen A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik vereint seit über 100 Jahren Tradition und Innovation im Sondermaschinen- und Anlagenbau. Im Fokus stehen dabei Maschinen zur Verarbeitung von Natur- und Synthetikfasern wie Stroh, Kokos, Holzwolle, Flachs, Hanf, Mineralwolle, Xylit oder Polypropylen.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    La empresa A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik aúna desde hace más de 100 años tradición e innovación en la construcción de instalaciones y maquinaria especiales. Concretamente, se centra en máquinas para procesar fibras naturales y sintéticas, como paja, coco, virutas de madera, lino, cáñamo, lana mineral, xilitol y polipropileno.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    L’entreprise A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik allie depuis plus d’un siècle la tradition et l’innovation dans le domaine de la fabrication d’installations et de machines spéciales. Son activité est centrée sur les machines de transformation des fibres naturelles et synthétiques telles que la paille, le coco, la laine de coton, le lin, le chanvre, la laine minérale, le xylitol ou le polypropylène.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik

    A empresa A.H. Meyer Maschinenfabrik combina tradição e inovação na construção de instalações e de máquinas especiais há mais de 100 anos. Concretamente, centra-se em máquinas para processar fibras naturais e sintéticas, como palha, coco, aparas de madeira, linho, cânhamo, lã mineral, xilitol e polipropileno. A sua vasta experiência no campo da construção de máquinas permite-lhes também satisfazer exigências especiais dos seus clientes em todo o mundo.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    Actemium Lyon Logistics is the VINCI Energies brand that is geared towards the world of industrial processes. Actemium Lyon Logistics is present throughout the entire industrial life cycle, planning, producing and maintaining its customers' operating resources.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    Actemium Lyon Logistics è il marchio di VINCI Energies orientato al mondo dei processi industriali. Actemium Lyon Logistics è presente nel corso dell'intero ciclo di vita industriale, pianifica, realizza e si occupa della manutenzione delle apparecchiature industriali dei suoi clienti.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    Actemium Lyon Logistics ist die auf die Welt der Industrieprozesse ausgerichtete Marke von VINCI Energies. Actemium Lyon Logistics ist während des gesamten industriellen Lebenszyklus präsent: das Unternehmen plant, realisiert und wartet die Betriebsmittel seiner Kunden.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    Actemium Lyon Logistics es la marca de VINCI Energies orientada al mundo de los procesos industriales. Actemium está presente durante todo el ciclo de vida industrial, ya que planifica, ejecuta y realiza el mantenimiento de los medios de producción de sus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    Actemium Lyon Logistics est la marque de VINCI Energies dédiée au monde du process industriel. Présente tout au long du cycle de vie industriel, Actemium conçoit, réalise et maintient les équipements de production de ses clients.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Actemium Lyon Logistics

    A Actemium Lyon Logistics é a marca da VINCI Energies dedicada ao mundo dos processos industriais. A Actemium está presente durante todo o ciclo de vida industrial, uma vez que planifica, executa e realiza a manutenção dos meios de produção dos seus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll sorting technology

    Founded in 1990, ADITOR GmbH offers its customers worldwide the complete range of services for developing and implementing their automation projects. ADITOR provides customized automation solutions to support industrial companies in the areas of special-purpose machinery, assembly and test engineering, conveyor, warehousing and logistics systems and metallurgical engineering.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules

    Fondata nel 1990, ADITOR GmbH offre ai clienti di tutto il mondo l'intera gamma di servizi per lo sviluppo e la realizzazione dei loro progetti di automazione. ADITOR supporta le imprese industriali attive nei settori della costruzione di macchine speciali, della tecnologia di montaggio e collaudo, dei sistemi di trasporto, stoccaggio e logistica nonché dell'ingegneria metallurgica realizzando soluzioni individuali di automazione.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules

    Im Jahre 1990 gegründet, bietet die ADITOR GmbH Kunden weltweit die gesamte Bandbreite an Dienstleistungen zur Entwicklung und Realisierung ihrer Automatisierungsprojekte. ADITOR unterstützt dabei Industrieunternehmen in den Bereichen Sondermaschinenbau, Montage- und Prüftechnik, Förder-, Lager- und Logistiksysteme sowie Hüttentechnik mit individuellen Automatisierungslösungen.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules

    Fundada en 1990, ADITOR GmbH pone a disposición de sus clientes de todo el mundo una amplia gama de servicios para el desarrollo y la concreción de sus proyectos de automatización. Su objetivo es brindar apoyo a las empresas industriales, para lo cual ofrecen soluciones personalizadas de automatización para los sectores de la construcción de maquinaria especial, la metalurgia, las técnicas de montaje y comprobación y los sistemas de transporte, almacenamiento y logística.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules

    Fondée en 1990, ADITOR GmbH offre à ses clients du monde entier une gamme complète de services pour le développement et la réalisation de leurs projets d'automatisation. ADITOR apporte son soutien aux entreprises industrielles dans les domaines de la construction de machines spécialisées, des techniques de montage et de contrôle, des systèmes de convoyage, de stockage et de logistique ainsi que de la métallurgie avec des solutions d'automatisation individuelles.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Aditor

    Fundada em 1990, a Aditor GmbH coloca à disposição dos seus clientes de todo o mundo uma ampla gama de serviços para o desenvolvimento e a implementação dos seus projetos de automatização. O seu objetivo é apoiar as empresas industriais, às quais oferecem soluções personalizadas de automatização nas áreas da construção de máquinas especiais, metalurgia, engenharia de montagem e teste e sistemas de transporte, armazenamento e logística.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    With many years of experience, ADM is a reference in the Fresh, Frozen and Pre-cooked Food Processing Industry sector. Company operations span various business sectors from food processing to transporting items in a production plant.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    Con diversi anni di esperienza, ADM è un punto di riferimento nel settore industriale della lavorazione di prodotti alimentari precotti, surgelati e freschi. La sua attività spazia in vari settori commerciali, dalla lavorazione di prodotti alimentari al trasporto di articoli in un impianto di produzione.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung gilt ADM als Referenz im Verarbeitungssektor für frische, tiefgefrorene und vorgekochte Produkte. Die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens umfassen verschiedene Bereiche von der Lebensmittelverarbeitung bis zum Transport von Waren in einer Produktionsanlage.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    Con muchos años de experiencia, en ADM son un referente en el Sector de la Industria de Procesado de Alimentos, Congelados, Frescos y Precocinados. Su actividad abarca diversos sectores empresariales del procesado de alimentación, así como el transporte de los elementos en una planta de producción.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    Forte de nombreuses années d'expérience, l'entreprise ADM est une référence sur le marché du traitement des produits alimentaires frais, surgelés et précuits. Son activité englobe divers secteurs allant du traitement des produits alimentaires au transport des articles au sein des usines de production.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • ADM Consultancy, Design and Manufacturing

    Com muitos anos de experiência, a ADM é uma referência no setor da indústria de Processamento de alimentos, Congelados, Frescos e Pré-cozinhados. A sua atividade abrange diversos setores empresariais, do processamento de alimentos ao transporte de artigos numa unidade de produção.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    Advance Automated Systems Ltd is a UK based conveyor manufacturing company offering simple conveyor units to full bespoke turnkey materials handling systems. They provide a fully integrated single source for the design, manufacture and installation of conveyors, conveyor systems and controls.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    Advance Automated Systems Ltd è un'azienda inglese che produce nastri trasportatori e offre unità di trasporto semplici per sistemi di movimentazione delle merci personalizzati e pronti all'uso. L'azienda rappresenta una fonte completa e integrata per la progettazione, la produzione e l'installazione di nastri trasportatori e relativi sistemi e comandi.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    Advance Automated Systems Ltd ist ein in Großbritannien ansässiges Unternehmen, das Fördertechnik herstellt. Dabei kann es sich um einfache Fördereinheiten oder komplette, maßgeschneiderte und schlüsselfertige Materialflusssysteme handeln.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    Advance Automated Systems Ltd es una empresa de fabricación de transportadores con sede en Reino Unido que ofrece unidades de transportadores sencillas destinadas a sistemas de manutención de materiales llave en mano totalmente personalizados. La empresa es un proveedor único totalmente integrado para el diseño, la fabricación y la instalación de transportadores, sistemas de transportadores y controles.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    Advance Automated Systems Ltd est une entreprise de fabrication de convoyeurs basée au Royaume-Uni. Son offre va des convoyeurs simples aux systèmes complets de manutention de marchandises, sur mesure et clé en main. L'entreprise constitue une seule et même source pour le design, la fabrication et l'installation de convoyeurs, de systèmes de convoyeurs et de commandes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Advance Automated Systems Ltd

    A Advance Automated Systems Ltd é uma empresa de fabrico de transportadores com sede no Reino Unido que oferece unidades de transportadores simples destinadas a sistemas de manutenção de materiais chave na mão totalmente personalizados. A empresa é um fornecedor único totalmente integrado para o design, fabrico e instalação de transportadores, sistemas de transportadores e controlos.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    AMH Material Handling specializes in the design, installation and maintenance of automated material handling systems. The team has extensive knowledge and experience in delivering solutions for a wide range of sectors including but not limited to retail, ecommerce, fashion, 3PLs, dry grocery and automotive suppliers.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    AMH Material Handling è un'azienda specializzata nella progettazione, installazione e manutenzione di sistemi automatizzati per la movimentazione di materiali. Il suo team vanta estese competenze e una lunga esperienza nella fornitura di soluzioni per un'ampia varietà di settori, che includono il commercio al dettaglio, l'e-commerce, la moda, la logistica di terze parti, i prodotti alimentari secchi e l'automotive.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    AMH Material Handling ist spezialisiert auf Konzeption, Installation und Wartung von automatisierten Materialtransportsystemen. Das Team verfügt über umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung in der Bereitstellung von Lösungen für eine Vielzahl von Branchen wie Einzelhandel, E-Commerce, Mode, externe Logistikdienstleister, Lebensmittel und Automobilzulieferer.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    AMH Material Handling se especializa en el diseño, la instalación y el mantenimiento de sistemas automatizados de manipulación de materiales. El equipo cuenta con extensos conocimientos y experiencia en el suministro de soluciones para una amplia gama de sectores, entre los que se cuentan la venta al por menor, el comercio electrónico, la moda, 3PL (logística de terceros), los frutos secos y los proveedores del sector de la automoción.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    AMH Material Handling est spécialisé dans la conception, l'installation et la maintenance des systèmes automatisés de manipulation de matériel. L'équipe justifie d'une totale connaissance et expérience dans la fourniture de solutions pour de nombreux secteurs, comme notamment les fournisseurs de détail, d'e-commerce, de mode, de logistique externalisée, de denrées non périssables et d'automobiles.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • AMH Material Handling

    A AMH Material Handling é especializada no design, na instalação e manutenção de sistemas automatizados de manipulação de materiais. A equipa conta com vastos conhecimentos e experiência no fornecimento de soluções para uma ampla gama de setores, entre os quais se incluem a venda a retalho, o comércio eletrónico, a moda, 3PL (logística de terceiros), os frutos secos e os fornecedores do setor automóvel.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll sorting technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    Asuan designs and builds customized processing facilities and machinery for customers in the food industry. The company is based on the multidisciplinary integration of mechanical, electronic and chemical/food process engineering by involving designers, technicians and specialists in the building of their machinery.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    Asuan progetta e costruisce impianti e macchinari personalizzati per i suoi clienti nell'industria alimentare. L’azienda si basa sull'integrazione multidisciplinare dell'ingegneria di processo meccanica, elettronica e chimica/alimentare che coinvolge designer, tecnici e specialisti, i quali collaborano per costruire i suoi macchinari.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    Asuan entwickelt und fertigt individuelle Verarbeitungsanlagen und Maschinen für Kunden aus der Lebensmittelindustrie. Das Unternehmen basiert auf der multidisziplinären Integration der mechanischen, elektronischen und chemischen/lebensmittelspezifischen Verfahrenstechnik. Konstrukteure, Techniker und Spezialisten arbeiten beim Bau der Maschinen Hand in Hand.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    En ASUAN diseñan y construyen a la medida del cliente plantas de proceso y maquinaria para la industria alimenticia. Tienen la base en una integración multidisciplinaria de ingeniería mecánica, electrónica, química de procesos y alimentos asociada con diseñadores, técnicos y mano de obra especializada para la construcción de la maquinaria.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    ASUAN conçoit et construit des usines et des machines de traitement sur mesure pour ses clients dans l'industrie alimentaire. L’entreprise s'appuie sur l'intégration multidisciplinaire de l'ingénierie mécanique, électronique et chimique/agroalimentaire en impliquant des concepteurs, des techniciens et des spécialistes pour construire nos machines.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Asuan S.A.

    A Asuan projeta e fabrica à medida do cliente unidades de processamento e máquinas para a indústria alimentar. A empresa baseia-se numa integração multidisciplinar de engenharia mecânica, eletrónica, química de processos e alimentos, envolvendo projetistas, técnicos e mão de obra especializada no fabrico das máquinas.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC. is a Texas corporation specializing in providing solutions for various industries.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC. è una società del Texas specializzata nella fornitura di soluzioni per vari settori.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC ist ein texanisches Unternehmen, das Lösungen für verschiedene Branchen anbietet.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC. es una compañía de Texas especializada en ofrecer soluciones para diversos sectores industriales.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC. est une entreprise texane spécialisée dans la fourniture de solutions pour divers secteurs.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • AuthenTEK Solutions

    Technology • Engineering • Knowledge.
    A AuthenTEK Solutions, LLC. é uma empresa do Texas especializada na oferta de soluções para diversos setores industriais.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    Belsks provides technological and modern warehouse solutions: conveying, storage and handling systems. The company is composed of a team of professionals who share a common purpose: helping customers make the most efficient use of their warehousing and manufacturing space.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    Belsks fornisce soluzioni di magazzino moderne e tecnologiche: sistemi di trasporto, stoccaggio e movimentazione. L’azienda è formata da professionisti con un obiettivo comune: aiutare i clienti ad utilizzare in modo ottimale il loro spazio di stoccaggio e produzione.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    Belsks bietet technische und moderne Lagerlösungen: Förder-, Lager- und Transportsysteme. Das Unternehmen besteht aus einem Team aus Fachleuten, die ein gemeinsames Ziel verbindet: Den Kunden helfen, ihre Lager- und Fertigungsflächen möglichst effizient zu nutzen.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    Belsks ofrece soluciones de almacén modernas y de última generación: transporte, almacenamiento y sistemas de manutención. Son un equipo de profesionales que comparten un objetivo común: ayudar a sus clientes a utilizar con eficiencia su espacio de almacenamiento y de fabricación. Para lograrlo, emplean las tecnologías más avanzadas del mercado para el procesamiento y almacenamiento de mercancías.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    Belsks fournit des solutions technologiques pour les entrepôts : systèmes de convoyage, de stockage et de manutention. L’entreprise est constituée d’une équipe de professionnels qui partagent un objectif commun : aider les clients à utiliser le plus efficacement possible leurs entrepôts et leur espace de production. Ils y parviennent en appliquant des technologies avancées au traitement et au stockage des marchandises.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • BelSKS

    A Belsks oferece soluções de armazém modernas e de última geração: transporte, armazenamento e sistemas de manutenção. A empresa é composta por uma equipa de profissionais que partilham um objetivo comum: ajudar os seus clientes a utilizarem com eficiência o seu espaço de armazenamento e de fabrico. Para tal, utilizam as tecnologias mais avançadas do mercado para o processamento e armazenamento de mercadorias.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cassioli Srl

    At Cassioli, for over 70 years, every collaboration with its customers has contributed to their experience and specific knowledge of a market sector or a specific technology, thereby creating added value for all of their customers. This sort of “win-win” situation has laid the foundations for quality customer relations based on trust and open cooperation, knowing that mutual growth is the key to mutual success.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Cassioli Srl

    Da più di 70 anni, ogni collaborazione di Cassioli con i suoi clienti ha rappresentato un contributo di esperienza e di conoscenza specifica pertinente ad un settore di mercato o ad una particolare tecnologia generando, così, un valore aggiunto a tutti i clienti.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Cassioli Srl

    Seit über 70 Jahren trägt die enge Zusammenarbeit von Cassioli mit seinen Kunden dazu bei, seine Erfahrung und Kompetenz in einer bestimmten Branche oder einer bestimmten Technologie zu erweitern. Und davon profitieren alle Kunden des Unternehmens. Diese Art von "Win-Win"-Situation bildet die Grundlage für Kundenbeziehungen, die auf Vertrauen, offener Kooperation und dem Wissen basieren, dass ein beiderseitiges Wachstum der Schlüssel zum gemeinsamen Erfolg ist.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Cassioli Srl

    Durante más de 70 años, cada vez que Cassioli ha colaborado con un cliente ha obtenido experiencia y conocimiento específico de un sector del mercado o una tecnología concreta, lo que a su vez ha terminado creando valor añadido para todos sus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Cassioli Srl

    Depuis plus de 70 ans, le travail de Cassioli auprès de ses clients lui permet d'étoffer son expérience et sa connaissance des différents secteurs et des technologies qui leur sont propres pour offrir bien plus qu'un simple produit ou service à ses clients. Ce rapport mutuellement bénéfique est le fondement sur lequel l’entreprise s’appuie pour développer des relations de qualité avec ses clients, basées sur la confiance et la coopération. En effet, seul le fait de grandir ensemble peut permettre de réussir ensemble.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Cassioli Srl

    Durante mais de 70 anos, cada vez que a Cassioli colaborou com um cliente, ganhou experiência e conhecimento específico sobre um setor do mercado ou uma tecnologia concreta, o que, por sua vez, acabou por criar valor acrescido para todos os seus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • CAV Robotics

    CAV Robotics understands the importance of joint work between manufacturer - integrator and the final customer of industrial robots and end-of-line solutions, recognizing this effort as the only way to achieve the success of innovative projects in Colombia.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • CAV Robotics

    CAV Robotics comprende l'importanza del lavoro congiunto tra produttore-integratore e cliente finale di robot industriali e soluzioni di fine linea, riconoscendo questo sforzo come l'unica via per il successo di progetti innovativi in Colombia.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • CAV Robotics

    CAV Robotics versteht die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hersteller, Integrator und Endkunde von Industrierobotern und End-of-Line-Lösungen und betrachtet dies als den einzigen Weg zum Erfolg innovativer Projekte in Kolumbien.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • CAV Robotics

    CAV Robotics comprende la importancia del trabajo conjunto entre el fabricante, el integrador y el cliente final de robots industriales y soluciones de final de línea, y reconoce este esfuerzo como la única forma de éxito de los proyectos innovadores en Colombia.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • CAV Robotics

    Pour CAV Robotics, la collaboration est la pierre angulaire indispensable entre le fabricant, l'intégrateur, l'utilisateur final de robots industriels et les solutions de fin de ligne afin de mener à bien des projets innovants en Colombie.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • CAV Robotics

    A CAV Robotics compreende a importância do trabalho conjunto entre o fabricante, o integrador e o cliente final de robôs industriais e soluções de fim de linha, e reconhece este esforço como a única forma de sucesso dos projetos inovadores na Colômbia.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    CENKER is the result of the merger of two companies – Microtiker and Cenker Robotics – with the shared vision of creating a company with strong technological capabilities and an international scope.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    CENKER è il risultato della fusione di due aziende, Microtiker e Cenker Robotics, nata dalla volontà di creare un'unica azienda con solide capacità tecnologiche e di vedute internazionali.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    Aus der Fusion zweier Unternehmen – Microtiker und Cenker Robotics – ist CENKER entstanden, ein Unternehmen mit starker technologischer Kapazität und internationaler Ausrichtung.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    Cenker es el resultado de la fusión de las empresas Microtiker y Cenker Robotics, con el objetivo de crear una compañía con gran capacidad tecnológica y un ámbito de actuación internacional.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    CENKER résulte de la fusion de deux sociétés – Microtiker et Cenker Robotics – et de la volonté de créer une entreprise à forte capacité technologique d'envergure internationale.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Cenker Robotics

    A Cenker é o resultado da fusão das empresas Microtiker e Cenker Robotics, com o objetivo de criar uma empresa com grande capacidade tecnológica e um âmbito de atuação internacional.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Eltronic

    Founded back in 2000, Eltronic has positioned itself as a strategic partner in the innovation and optimization of their customers’ production systems and business potential. With 250 experienced employees, the company integrates and combines its in-depth knowledge with controls, production IT and production technologies.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Eltronic

    Fondata nel 2000, Eltronic si è affermata come partner strategico nell'innovazione e nell'ottimizzazione del sistema produttivo e del potenziale commerciale dei suoi clienti. Grazie a 250 dipendenti competenti, integra e combina la sua vasta conoscenza a controlli, production IT e tecnologie produttive.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Eltronic

    Eltronic hat sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2000 als strategischer Partner bei der Innovation und Optimierung der Fertigungssysteme und des Geschäftspotenzials seiner Kunden positioniert.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Eltronic

    Fundada en el año 2000, Eltronic se ha posicionado a sí misma como un socio estratégico en la innovación y optimización del sistema de producción y del potencial comercial de sus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Eltronic

    Fondé en 2000, Eltronic s'est positionné comme partenaire stratégique de l'innovation et de l'optimisation des systèmes de production et du potentiel commercial de ses clients.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Eltronic

    Fundada em 2000, a Eltronic posicionou-se como um parceiro estratégico na inovação e otimização do sistema de produção e do potencial comercial dos seus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Emve Sweden AB

    Emve Sweden AB is a specialist who for a full century has delivered high-quality machines for handling potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Their machines are found virtually all over the world in a variety of contexts and as many different applications.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Emve Sweden AB

    EMVE Sweden AB è uno specialista che fornisce ormai da un secolo macchine di alta qualità per il trasporto di patate, verdure e frutta. Le sue macchine sono utilizzate praticamente in tutto il mondo, in diversi contesti e per diverse applicazioni.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Emve Sweden AB

    EMVE Sweden AB ist ein Unternehmen, das sich seit einem Jahrhundert auf die Fertigung hochwertiger Maschinen zur Verarbeitung von Kartoffeln, Gemüse und Obst spezialisiert. Seine Maschinen sind in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen und Einsatzbereichen praktisch auf der ganzen Welt im Einsatz.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Emve Sweden AB

    EMVE Sweden AB es una empresa especializada que lleva más de un siglo suministrando máquinas de alta calidad para la manipulación de patatas, fruta y verdura. Sus máquinas se encuentran prácticamente por todo el mundo, en contextos muy diferentes y dedicadas a aplicaciones de lo más variado.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Emve Sweden AB

    EMVE Sweden AB est un spécialiste qui fournit depuis un siècle des machines de qualité supérieure pour le traitement des pommes de terre, des légumes et des fruits. Ses machines sont présentes dans le monde entier, dans de nombreux environnements différents et dans autant d'applications différentes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Emve Sweden AB

    A Emve Sweden AB é uma empresa especializada que, há mais de um século, fornece máquinas de alta qualidade para a manipulação de batatas, frutas e produtos hortícolas. As suas máquinas encontram-se praticamente em todo o mundo, em contextos muito diferentes e destinadas às mais variadas aplicações.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. is a family-run company; leader in its sector thanks to their renowned experience and excellent track record in the equipment and machinery manufacturing market for the food industry, as endorsed by the satisfaction of their Customers.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. è un'azienda a gestione familiare, leader nel proprio settore, grazie alla rinomata esperienza e alla comprovata attività di prim'ordine nel mercato della produzione di apparecchiature e macchinari per il settore alimentare, come dimostra la soddisfazione dei Clienti.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. ist ein Familienunternehmen. Dank seiner langjährigen Erfahrung und seiner anerkannten Kompetenzen bei der Herstellung von Anlagen und Maschinen für die Lebensmittelindustrie nimmt es eine führende Position in seinem Sektor ein, was auch durch die Zufriedenheit seiner Kunden belegt wird.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. Es una empresa familiar líder en su sector con una reconocida experiencia y trayectoria en el mercado de la fabricación de equipos y maquinaria para la industria alimentaria avalada por la satisfacción de sus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. est une entreprise familiale. Grâce à sa grande expérience et au succès commercial de ses produits pour l'industrie agroalimentaire, elle compte parmi les leaders de son secteur — et la satisfaction de ses clients est là pour le prouver.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda.

    A Fabrinox Campos y Salinas Ltda. é uma empresa familiar líder no seu setor com uma reconhecida experiência e trajetória no mercado do fabrico de equipamentos e máquinas para a indústria alimentar avalizada pela satisfação dos seus clientes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll AC drive technology
  • Factronics

    Established in 1993, Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd is a full-service engineering company based in Singapore. Their expertise lies in a wide range of advanced factory and warehousing automation applications.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Factronics

    Fondata nel 1993, Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd è un'azienda di ingegneria full-service con sede a Singapore. La sua competenza risiede in una vasta gamma di applicazioni avanzate di automazione per stabilimenti e magazzini.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Factronics

    Das 1993 gegründete Unternehmen Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd ist ein Full-Service-Maschinenbauunternehmen mit Sitz in Singapur. Es hat Erfahrung mit einer Vielzahl von fortschrittlichen Fabrik- und Lagerautomationssystemen.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Factronics

    Fundada en 1993, Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd. es una empresa de servicio integral de ingeniería con sede en Singapur. Sus competencias se componen de una amplia gama de aplicaciones avanzadas de automatización de fábricas y almacenes.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Factronics

    Fondée en 1993, Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd est une entreprise d'ingénierie offrant des services complets basée à Singapour. Son expertise repose sur une vaste gamme d'applications d'automatisation de pointe pour les usines et les entrepôts.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Factronics

    Fundada em 1993, a Factronics Systems Engineering Pte Ltd. é uma empresa de serviços integrais de engenharia com sede em Singapura. As suas competências abrangem uma ampla gama de aplicações avançadas de automatização de fábricas e armazéns.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
  • Fb Industry Automation GmbH

    Fb Industry Automation GmbH is constantly growing and has specialized in complete intralogistics solutions.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Fb Industry Automation GmbH

    Fb Industry Automation GmbH è un'azienda in costante crescita, fornitrice di soluzioni intralogistiche complete.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Fb Industry Automation GmbH

    Fb Industry Automation GmbH está en constante crecimiento y se ha especializado en soluciones completas de intralogística.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules
  • Fb Industry Automation GmbH

    Fb Industry Automation GmbH befindet sich in einem kontinuierlichen Wachstum und hat sich auf 360+ Intralogistik Gesamtlösungen spezialisiert.

    Interroll Solutions Certified Know-how

    Interroll DC drive technology
    Interroll MCP conveyor modules
    Interroll MPP pallet handling modules